Social Media Content Marketing through a Kindergartner’s Lens
Way back in 1988 a little book by Robert Fulghum captivated America for the better part of two years. Called “All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”, he outlined the basic lessons every kid learns in the first year of primary school and how those apply to our everyday lives as...

What Journalism Teaches About Developing Good Written Content
– There is a lot that machines and algorithms can do for us – the list goes on and on. But one problem the legions of talented engineers at work in Silicon Valley haven’t solved is the constant, pressing need for well-written content. As MediaPost’s Search Insider columnist Janet Driscoll Miller recently pointed out, Google’s updated...

Efficient Production Central to Smart Content Marketing
– I hear it over and over again: “Who has time to do all this stuff?!” By stuff, marketing professionals are referring to the production and distribution of the variety of content that flows from strategies that are built to engage audiences, improve search rank, and yield better bottom line business results. As I discussed in...